Admission Procedure.
Registration and admission for the academic year starting September open in March each year.
Admission is open to all qualified applicants of any nationality who can benefit from MAS program. However the school reserves the right to refuse admission to non-English proficient, academically ¨C limited, special ¨C needs applicants, or applicants with behavioral problems.
All students seeking admission to grades 1 ¨C 9 will be evaluated before they are admitted. All new students must sit for an admission test in English, Mathematics and Arabic (only for native speakers of Arabic). This evaluation will provide us with a description of a student¡¯s academic strengths and weaknesses.
KG1 and KG2 applicants have to sit for an informal interview with the KG teacher for the purpose of evaluating the child¡¯s background and capabilities.
Interested parents and companies should contact the office directly for admission information at 04-2883303.