KHDA Summary of Inspection Findings 2019-2020
The overall quality of education provided by the school is good.
The Best Features of The School:
- The very good quality of personal development, as demonstrated by students’ positive attitudes and good behavior
- The good or better progress made in most key subjects.
Key Recommendations:
- Students’ understanding and respect for Islamic values and appreciation for how they guide them through their lives in the UAE
- The very successful partnerships with parents that result in better outcomes for students
The very good provision for the health and safety of students and staff
Students Outcomes |
- Across all phases of the school, students make good progress in most key subjects. Their attainment is better in English and in science than in other subjects. UAE social studies is strongest in the middle phase. The program for reading across the curriculum is improving Arabic and English reading in all phases.
- Children and students demonstrate positive attitudes and respectful behavior.
- Children in KG interact well with their classmates, demonstrating self-reliance in their choices of activities. Students in upper grades are well behaved in lessons and during break times. They welcome students of determination into lessons and in the playground.
- Students are cordial and respectful in their conduct towards teachers and other staff.
Provision for learner |
- Teaching is strong across all phases of the school. Teachers plan thoughtfully and address curriculum standards. Subject leaders are effective in strengthening the level of rigor in lessons, so that students can demonstrate their ability to think critically and to learn independently.
- Assessment has improved in the elementary and middle phases and is now good overall.
- The school has adopted the Common Core State Standards from the US State of California. Teachers prepare lessons that are closely aligned with these standards for English Language Arts, math, and science. Ministry of Education (MoE) curricula in Islamic education, Arabic, moral education, and UAE social studies present challenging opportunities for students.
- The school offers excellent provision for health and safety. The clinic is staffed with licensed professionals who monitor students’ health and attend to minor injuries.
- The school makes healthy eating alternatives available during break times. Under the guidance of physical education teachers, students are learning the importance of healthy living and the value of exercise
- All staff are properly trained in child-protection policies and practices.
Leadership and
Management |
- Stability in leadership is a building block for the school’s improvement. The school has recognized the need for data analysts and teacher coaches, and appointments of these specialists result in improved outcomes for students.
- Governors have increased the number of English-speaking teachers and have improved the library collections in both Arabic and English.
- The premises are well resourced and are very clean and hygienic.
What we believe makes us special: |
- We are a happy school, with a family feel and our students are happy to attend. Our teachers and staff are cheerful and positive and you can feel this throughout the school. We believe this to be an important aspect of Mirdif American School’s effectiveness.
- Our students benefit from an experienced, proactive and approachable leadership team whose drive and purpose is providing the children in our care with the highest quality education.
- Our Leadership Team, Heads of Department and Teachers all use data to plan for learning and working collaboratively to identify and close gaps in student knowledge and skills.
- Regular and ongoing professional development programs for improving teacher performance and skills.
- An established, balanced American curriculum that caters to student’s needs, in addition to the Ministry of Education curriculum.
- Academic monitoring for keeping a constant check on student’s performance and behavior through careful analysis and discussions of observations and grade findings.
- We foster intellectual empowerment in students of all ages. Ensuring our students are thinking hard and using critical thinking skills which will benefit them in school and beyond.
- A focus on Character Education through nurturing student capabilities and reflection.
- Industrious, healthy and competitive working environment where growth and achievement are noticeable at all levels.
Our excellent facilities with modern equipment including technology and thoughtfully designed play and learning spaces. |